25-inch hard chrome version of rainbow swing stick

Fine imitation of the American ASP color red swing stick 25-inch hard chrome version Stick material: high-strength alloy steel, hardness about 58HRC (tested, can lift the weight of more than a car) Stick handle material: colored vinyl synthesis (anti-slip
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Product name : 25-inch hard chrome version of rainbow swing stick
Exquisite imitation of the American ASP color red swing stick 25-inch hard chrome version

Stick material: high-strength alloy steel, hardness about 58HRC (tested, can lift more than a car)
Stick handle material: colored vinyl synthesis (non-slip material, will not slip due to sweat and moisture)
Shrink length: 23.8 CM (portable and concealed)
Throw out length: 63.0 CM (commonly used length)
Net weight: 660 grams
Appearance: Colored titanium
Carton packaging
Other properties: Steel clip type, specially processed with precision at the interface. After processing, it is thrown out and locked firmly. When retracted, it is vertically facing the ground. He kowtowed and went back.