New version of defense darts (pack of five)

Specifications: CM15.4 It is less powerful and is only suitable for proper defense at relatively close range (within 5 meters). This defense dart is exquisitely designed and easy to carry. It is widely used by taxi drivers or private car owners for emerge
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Product name : New version of defense darts (pack of five)
Specifications: CM15.4 It is less powerful and is only suitable for proper defense at relatively close range (within 5 meters). This defense dart is exquisitely designed and easy to carry. It is widely used by taxi drivers or private car owners for emergency defense.
Note: After opening the protective cover of this dart, to ensure safety, please do not point it at yourself or others. After opening the insurance, you should always pay attention to safety! When not in use, please close the safety cover and protective cover at any time to prevent accidents! Please store it out of reach of children to prevent misuse by children.